Before working with Lana: Was working full time in the government while trying to grow her photography business. Had very little time to spend with her husband and son, let alone having any time for herself. Had just bought her dream home so the thought of leaving her secure day job to pursue her passion was a distant idea. Knew how to attract clients here and there, but not enough to replace her salary and the side hustle income they had come to rely on.
After working with Lana: Quit her day job and is now making 4x as much as she did in her day job. Has a better relationship now with her son than she’s ever had, and is more connected to her husband than she has been in years because she has more free time. She knows exactly how to find clients consistently and in a way that she can also scale to make more. Her business has grown so much that she’s had to outsource all of her administrative and backend tasks in order to be able to keep up with demand of her services.
“ When we first met I really had no idea what you did or how you could help. I just knew that after only one conversation, you motivated me so much that I had to work with you. You lit a fire under me that I had never felt before in my life. Money was very tight due to countless renovations and me quitting my day job suddenly, but I knew I needed help.
I’m glad I did. Since working with you I have learned how to build my business for long term success and how to make time for myself and my family. Not to mention I have quadrupled my income in the past few months because of your help and coaching.
I can never truly express my gratitude for what you have done. It was your words that inspired me to take the leap and leave my day job and it was your guidance that allowed me to thrive financially in my business. My heart is so full and my energy is so happy each day, because I get to wake up every day knowing that I am truly following my dreams.
I wouldn’t and haven’t hesitated when recommending you to all my friends and family, because you inspire greatness! Thank you.”
Before working with Lana: Had to commute over 2.5 hours a day to get to a job she hated. Thought that leaving her day job wasn’t an option. Only had a few random clients here and there. Wasn’t sure how to market herself, or how to find clients consistently. Was extremely passionate and talented at interior decorating and design, but couldn’t figure out how to build a sustainable business.
After working with Lana: Has quit her day job, knows how to market herself and knows where and how to find clients. She landed more clients in six months of working with Lana, than she had in the previous two years. In her first week working full-time in her business, she landed eight new clients.
“I was feeling very stressed and overwhelmed in my business and knew I had to do something about it. I started researching coaches and Lana came highly recommended to me by many people.
When Lana and I first started to work together, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to leave my day job, but after 6 months of coaching, I was able to. Lana gave me the push and guidance I needed to make my dreams a reality. “
Before working with Lana: Was offering her services for free, because she didn’t know how to price her service, or how to sell it. Didn’t know where or how to find clients that would be willing to pay for her service and expertise.
After working with Lana: In under a month of working together, she landed her first three paying clients. She is now building a business that doesn’t rely on random referrals, but instead on a proven client attracting system.
“Her guidance and her “magic wand” transformed my business and most importantly helped me overcome the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur. Throughout our months of working together, my business has grown immensely. With her unique approach and support I have more clarity, direction and full confidence in living my dream. I am grateful to Lana for playing and continuing to play such a vital role in helping me achieve my goals.”
Before working with Lana: Was working all the time, not making the amount of money she wanted, and had little time to spend with her family and friends.
After working with Lana: Was able to focus on larger, money making tasks and learnt how to properly delegate the rest in an easy way. She was making more money, while actually working less hours in a week.
“The investment was totally worth it. I feel like I had a one-on-one tutor in a course we designed specifically for my business. I now feel ahead of the game. Thank you Lana!”