Keeping up with this months theme, which is managing yourself, I thought today’s topic three things that elite athletes and successful entrepreneurs have in common would be really useful for you guys. The reason why it’s so useful, I should start with that, is a lot of the times when we look at successful entrepreneurs people who have had a level of success that we want to have in our business. A lot of the time we wonder and we ask ourselves how do they do that? Right after asking ourselves how do they do that, we often tell ourselves we’re not capable of it. We don’t have the level of drive, determination, motivation, skills, resources, whatever it is we tell ourselves that we don’t have it. Sometimes we don’t, but the purpose of today’s video is to actually show you guys that you can have three things that elite athletes and successful entrepreneurs have in common. By acquiring these three things you are actually getting a step closer to accomplishing the goals that you have for your business.
Like always I want you guys to guess, what do you think three things are that elite athletes and successful entrepreneurs have in common? If you’re feeling brave enough I’d love it if you actually commented below, because I’d like to get your idea on it. I’ll tell you anyway. Three things that successful athletes … Sorry elite athletes and successful entrepreneurs have in common is they have a support system, they have mentors, and they have coaches.
I’ll start with support systems. When I say support systems I don’t mean raving, adoring fans who love and admire them no matter what. In some ways I’m not even talking about friends and family, because friends and family although they’re really important and integral to the success of athletes or business owners, it’s ultimately I’m talking about people who actually understand the trials and tribulations that you’re going through.
Being an entrepreneur it’s really important that you have a support group, or support system of people who understand what it’s like to run their own business. Someone who understands the loneliness, the stress, the anxieties, the constant highs and lows, the having money in your bank account one day and not in the next. Sometimes those things are hard to talk about with friends and family, because they don’t understand or they obviously have a stake in what’s to lose. Having a support system is really, really important and the support of some of fellow entrepreneurs, small business owners.
The second thing is having a mentor. The key to a mentor is that this person has had some level of success in the field that you’re trying to have a business in, or grow your business in. The reason having a mentor is so important is one to obviously remind you that what your dreams are are possible, and you can acquire them, but also who better to talk to and get advice from than someone who’s already done the very thing that you want. This person is a great person to confide in, a person who will support you, and guide you. The term mentor you is there for a reason.
The third thing I mentioned is a coach. A really important thing I want to mention when I talk about coaches is a coach doesn’t have to be better than you, they just have to be really, really good at bringing out the best in your. I’m just going to give the example of Michael Phelps, because everyone knows who he is. He’s an extremely successful, he’s probably what gotten a billion Olympic medals, and you can be rest assured that Michael Phelps swimming coach is not a better swimmer than Michael Phelps. His coach is just really, really, really good at bringing out the best in Michael Phelps. That’s the same thing for successful entrepreneurs.
All successful entrepreneurs have coaches, and they have coaches who are able to bring out the best in them. They’re able to coach them through whatever next endeavor or idea that they have. The best part about these three things is that these are things that you can acquire too. You can acquire them, and you can become a successful entrepreneur and maybe be one of the people that I’m talking about one day, and I hope that that’s true. In order to do that you obviously have to start somewhere.
My action item for you guys for this week is to actually start building that support system. If you already have that support system add someone to it. The best way to create a support network of other minded entrepreneurs is to actually get yourself out there and go to networking events. Meet other like minded people. Don’t just exchange business cards with people. If you actually meet someone that you really like and you feel a connection follow up with that person immediately. Ask to take them to coffee, dinner, lunch, a drink, whatever it is that you want. Get to know them a little bit more, and develop a friendship with them. Lay that foundation, because that friendship is going to help you a lot throughout the success of your business. Who knows that person could actually end up being your mentor, that person can end up being your coach. You never know who you’re going to meet, but you have to start somewhere.
Like always, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and you got something good out of it. Please like and share this video with any well entrepreneur, but female entrepreneur in particular that you know who you think could benefit from this. Remember the three things, or three things that elite athletes and successful entrepreneurs have in common are support system, mentors, and coaches. That those three things that they have are three things that you can have too. All you have to do is go out and look for them.
I hope you guys have a good day. Thanks for joining me, and I’ll see you next week.